About Our Podcast

Join Meaghan and Jesse as every week they discuss true crime stories, horror movies, or in-depth discussions about Meaghan's need for more fur nuggets.

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Our Family

This is brought to you by these awesome people and puppers!

Jesse Light

Co-Host, Avid Podcast Listener, Dog Dad

I'm self employed and my job requires a lot of driving so you'll usually catch me listening to 3 hour long Joe Rogan podcasts or anything sports related. If I'm not working you'll probably find me on the golf course. I like exploring Arkansas with Meaghan either by hiking or kayaking. I also enjoy watching movies and rewatching Castle over and over again


Meaghan Light

Co-Host, Derby's Mama, Extreme Coffee Consumer

I'm the reason our house is full of dog hair. If I could rescue them all, I would. I work for my family's small business, (a restaurant called Grampa's Catfish House). I love to be outside as much as possible, hiking with my Derby girl is my favorite. I find true crime and the psychology behind the cases to be fascinating. And I love horror movies. Nothing like the thrill of a good scare to get the blood pumping! If you didn't know, coffee runs through my veins!


Derby Light

OG Critter, Perfect Pupper

I'm Derby, and I am my mama's pride and joy. I know I'm the love of her life but i think dad is pretty close second. I'm the reason there are so many of us in this house. I love going ANYWHERE, but my favorite is when mom gets coffee bc I get a treat too.

Mowgli Light

Critter, Wolf-Wolf

Hey! Mowgli here! Or you can call me Turd. Im just a big ole lovable goofball! I might seem scary bc I look like a wolf but I just want to give kisses and sing you the song of my people! I tend to take up my parents whole bed until dad tells me to get down, but I don't like to listen...even with these big ears.

Falco Light

Critter, Lover of the Cone

Hi I'm Falco aka Footsteps aka Doof. #16 in your playbook, #1 in your hearts! Im scared of my own shadow but I'll welcome anyone into our home with a wiggle butt. I can't go anywhere without my brother Mowgli. I sometimes forget how to move and sometimes my lips get stuck on my teeth....

Ripley Light

Critter, The Creature

Hi I'm Ripley, but you can call me Fingers or the Creature! My parents brought me home after I was rescued from the hood in LR. We don't know what I am but that's ok! I'm very protective of my home and picky about who I like. I really am lovable...but when the sun goes down, I do get grumpy. I have an attitude sometimes but thankfully, I'm very cute!


Billy Graham


Charlie Brandt


Emma Jones


James Parker

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